How to get rid of facial hair

Facial hair is a prominent issue, literally.
Our face is where everyone looks first when they see us. And most of us want the world to see us without any facial hair. No surprise there are many methods to get rid of it: you can epilate, tweeze, wax, sugar, thread, burn, shave or bleach; use creams, lasers, IPL, electrolysis or make-up. Surface removal methods like shaving are quick and easy, but stubble grows back fast. Root removal methods like wax and epilation are long-lasting but waxing yourself is messy and hard to do at home, and epilators are easy to use but often bulky – not very convenient for those quick touch-ups. So what now?
1. Always clean your face before removing facial hair to avoid clogging your pores
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2.Tips for choosing the right method.
It removes hairs for smooth skin, but it only lasts 1-2 days. That means you need to be ready for constant maintenance, especially as that stubble grows back.
Tip: shave in the direction the hair grows to avoid irritation.
It is long-lasting (up to 4 weeks!) but your hair has to be at least 0.5mm long for wax to grab it. So unfortunately you need to let your hair grow for a few weeks before your next wax.
Tip: if it’s the first time make sure you test the wax before you apply it on a large section of the face.
It removes hair from the root and is also long-lasting (same as wax, up to 4 weeks) but the good news is that you don’t have to wait for hair to grow back as long! You can epilate when hairs are shorter – 0.02mm! Plus it’s faster than tweezers.
Tip: hold the skin tight when epilating for a more comfortable experience.

Trimming removes hair from above the surface by cutting the hair. So it is best for small touch-ups and great for eyebrow shaping to get a perfect arch.
Tip: not everyone is born with luxurious thick eyebrows! Get the perfect shape and then fill in with make-up to perfect your look.
Our recommendation: Absolute control and precision facial epilation with Braun FaceSpa Pro.
Gently and effectively buff away dead skin cells from precious facial areas to reveal fresh and youthful looking skin. Braun FaceSpa offers a set of different heads to accommodate all needs: exfoliation brush, extra sensitive brush, normal brush, beauty sponge and the new skin vitalizing pad.

How to get rid of facial hair – for up to 4 weeks of smooth skin.
Remove hair against the direction of growth. Braun’s automatic rotation makes it easy so you can do this with a smooth, upwards movement. Switch hand or rotation for easy adjustments.
Face parts: Upper-lip
Move slowly in a smooth movement across the upper lip.
Face parts: Sideburns and baby fluff, other areas
Trim hairs first as longer hairs hurt to remove.
Eyebrow shaping:
The facial epilator is not suitable for detailed eye brow shaping. To shape and style your arches, use the Braun Face.

Faster and efficient – Better than tweezers
With 12,000 plucking events per minute it is much more thorough and considerably faster than a manual tweezer. It captures hair 4x times shorter than wax. And best of all: because it removes hair by the root it gives you up to 4 weeks of hair-free, smooth and beautiful skin.